Famous Will Rogers Quotes
The man with the best job in the country is the vice-president. All he has to do is get up every morning and say, 'How is the president?'
Will Rogers
If the other fellow sells cheaper than you, it is called dumping. 'Course, if you sell cheaper than him, that's mass production.
Will Rogers
Rumor travels faster, but it don't stay put as long as truth.
Will Rogers
An ignorant person is one who doesn't know what you have just found out.
Will Rogers
If Stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out
Will Rogers
The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.
Will Rogers
Chaotic action is preferable to orderly inaction.
Will Rogers
When should a college athlete turn pro? Not until he has earned all he can in college as an amateur.
Will Rogers
Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.
Will Rogers
We don't know what we want, but we are ready to bite somebody to get it.
Will Rogers
Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to somebody else.
Will Rogers
We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others.
Will Rogers
Don't gamble take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don't go up, don't buy it.
Will Rogers
About all I can say for the United States Senate is that it opens with a prayer and closes with an investigation.
Will Rogers
The worst thing that happens to you may be the best thing for you, if you don’t let it get the best of you.
Will Rogers
Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.
Will Rogers
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
Will Rogers
Liberty doesn’t work as well in practice as it does in speeches.
Will Rogers
Take the diplomacy out of war and the thing would fall flat in a week.
Will Rogers
The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself.
Will Rogers
It's not what you pay a man, but what he costs you that counts.
Will Rogers
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.
Will Rogers
The only way you can beat the lawyers is to die with nothing.
Will Rogers