Famous Charles Baudelaire Quotes

There are as many kinds of beauty as there are habitual ways of seeking happiness.

Charles Baudelaire

The world only goes round by misunderstanding.

Charles Baudelaire

It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself.

Charles Baudelaire

There are moments of existence when time and space are more profound, and the awareness of existence is immensely heightened.

Charles Baudelaire

It would perhaps be nice to be alternately the victim and the executioner.

Charles Baudelaire

The pleasure we derive from the representation of the present is due, not only to the beauty it can be clothed in, but also to its essential quality of being the present.

Charles Baudelaire

Any healthy man can go without food for two days -- but not without poetry.

Charles Baudelaire

Always be a poet, even in prose.

Charles Baudelaire

Our religion is itself profoundly sad - a religion of universal anguish, and one which, because of its very catholicity, grants full liberty to the individual and asks no better than to be celebrated in each man's own language - so long as he knows anguish and is a painter.

Charles Baudelaire

Modernity is the transient, the fleeting, the contingent; it is one half of art, the other being the eternal and the immovable.

Charles Baudelaire

Nature… is nothing but the inner voice of self-interest.

Charles Baudelaire

There exist only three beings worthy of respect the priest, the soldier, the poet. To know, to kill, to create.

Charles Baudelaire

But a dandy can never be a vulgar man.

Charles Baudelaire

Poetry and progress are like two ambitious men who hate one another with an instinctive hatred, and when they meet upon the same road, one of them has to give place.

Charles Baudelaire

A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors.

Charles Baudelaire

Everything that is beautiful and noble is the product of reason and calculation.

Charles Baudelaire

Music fathoms the sky.

Charles Baudelaire

Genius is childhood recalled at will.

Charles Baudelaire

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