Famous Abraham Lincoln Quotes

The assertion that 'all men are created equal' was of no practical use in effecting our separation from Great Britain and it was placed in the Declaration not for that, but for future use.

Abraham Lincoln

Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.

Abraham Lincoln

The people themselves, and not their servants, can safely reverse their own deliberate decisions.

Abraham Lincoln

You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.

Abraham Lincoln

I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.

Abraham Lincoln

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.

Abraham Lincoln

Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.

Abraham Lincoln

I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.

Abraham Lincoln

I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.

Abraham Lincoln

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

Abraham Lincoln

Whatever you are, be a good one.

Abraham Lincoln

The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.

Abraham Lincoln

A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.

Abraham Lincoln

Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.

Abraham Lincoln

The only person who is a worse liar than a faith healer is his patient.

Abraham Lincoln

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth.

Abraham Lincoln

I don't know who my grandfather was I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.

Abraham Lincoln

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.

Abraham Lincoln

Important principles may, and must, be inflexible.

Abraham Lincoln

I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day.

Abraham Lincoln

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.

Abraham Lincoln

All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.

Abraham Lincoln

It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him.

Abraham Lincoln

He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.

Abraham Lincoln

What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.

Abraham Lincoln

A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have.

Abraham Lincoln

The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.

Abraham Lincoln

Public opinion in this country is everything.

Abraham Lincoln

Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.

Abraham Lincoln

These men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness only. This, so far as in my power, they, and all others, shall have.

Abraham Lincoln

Quarrel not at all. No man resolved to make the most of himself can spare time for personal contention.

Abraham Lincoln

No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.

Abraham Lincoln

When you have got an elephant by the hind legs and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run.

Abraham Lincoln

I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.

Abraham Lincoln

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